Marketing Specialist, Designer & Photographer For The Resort & Real Estate Industries
Effective Lead Generation Via Creative Sales Funnels With A Focus On Great User Experiences, Omni Channel Marketing & Social Media Advertising

Mark Burke
Creative Designer & Marketing Specialist
Hello, I've been busy supplying graphic design, marketing and websites for dozens of real estate and resort developments over the past 25-years. Creativity, effective messaging and smart applications melding communications and technology are some of the reasons why my clients' projects are successful.
403 688-1612
Case Study Snapshot
Client: RVSC, Resort Developer
In 2017, I was contracted to nurture sales growth for a small startup in the RV camping industry, an industry I was unfamiliar with at the time. This client, RVSC, went from less than $1-million in annual sales in 2016, to $7-million in 2017, then to $17-million by the end of 2018. I generated 100% of their sales leads via creative online advertising, event marketing and effective sales funnels. I also did all of their website and graphic design.
403 688-1612

My Ever-expanding Marketer's Toolkit
Adobe Creative Cloud - Illustrator, PhotoShop, Premiere Pro | G-Suite | CMS | CSS | HTML5 | SEO | CRM | Social Media Ads | Google Search Ads | Digital Marketing | Omni Channel Marketing | Drone Videographer | Landscape Photographer | Video Editor | Wix | Editor X | Wordpress | MailChimp | Constant Contact | Click-funnels | Microsoft 365